Bachelor of Arts in Communication


36 in Major 120 to Degree

$395 Per Credit

Communication is a broad field, covering all of the different ways humans can exchange information – orally, through written word, and through nonverbal and visual cues. The study of communication involves the analysis of the communication patterns, settings, and tools that people use.

Regardless of industry, in survey after survey, almost every employer ranks communication skills as one of their top three criteria when hiring.

Program Description

The discipline of communication is the study of human symbolic behavior. In addition to helping students learn to communicate more effectively, communication courses teach students how to analyze human communication in the wide range of communicative situations that people experience daily. These communicative situations include interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, small group, instructional, mediated, and rhetorical/public ones. Communication in these various settings may be oral, written, nonverbal, and/or visual.

At UWM, students can focus their Communication electives around four themes:

  • interpersonal communication;
  • rhetoric and public communication;
  • organizational communication;
  • technology and communication.

Career Opportunities

Communication students at UWM not only graduate with top-notch communication skills, but they also have a thorough understanding of communication as a process and as a system. They are the individuals who can work with all types of people, bringing out their best.

Communication majors go on to all types of work, but the common denominator is that their work most likely involves lots of interaction with others. Sales, marketing, media, public relations, human resources, mediation, law, journalism, merchandising, advertising, education, public office, and social welfare are just a few of the most popular post-college careers.


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